Thursday 11 April 2019

Hansard of the Legislative Council


Mr FINCH (Rosevears) - Mr President, there was little if anything unpredictable in the Premier's State of the State speech.  It was certainly a feel-good speech. 

We have strong economic growth, premium-grade products and an unrivalled natural environment according to the Premier, except where it has been damaged by bushfires of late.  It was terrible news about one of my favourite locations in Tasmania, Dolphin Sands.  I nearly bought some land there, probably three years ago.  I was told at that time the trees were flammable.  I believe they had been planted there, and that they should be changed for fire-retardant trees because it was a bit of a tinderbox waiting to go off.  That was a bit of negativity in our proceeding in looking at that land - but what a location, just stunning.  It will be a long while for that area to recover, although nature takes its hand and -

Mr Dean - It is almost the equivalent of some of those in the north.  It is getting close to it, isn't it?

Mr FINCH - Yes, nearly.