Friday 26 November 2004
Mr AIRD (Derwent - Leader of the Government in the Council - Motion) - Mr President, I move -
That the Legislative Council approves a draft proclamation under section 21(1) and section 17(1) of the Nature Conservation Act 2002, which -
(a) declares that an area of reserved land ceases to form part of Trevallyn State Reserve; and
(b) alters the class of reserved land named the Trevallyn State Reserve from State reserve to nature recreation area; and
(c) renames that area of land the Trevallyn Nature Recreation Area.
Mr President, the purpose of this motion is to seek approval to revoke two small portions of Trevallyn State Reserve and change the class of the remainder of the reserve to a nature recreation area. The larger of the two parcels, 1.6 hectares, has been leased to the Way FM station for many years for broadcasting infrastructure buildings. An adjoining 0.11 hectares is cleared and if sold will create a better management boundary. Neither of these areas has any significant conservation value and they have been recommended for sale. The 1.6 hectares will be sold to the Way FM station. The small 0.11 hectares will be sold separately.
The Trevallyn State Recreation Area is classified as a State reserve under the Regional Forest Agreement (Land Classification) Act of 1998. However, traditional activities such as dog-walking, horse-riding and mountain-biking occurring within the reserve are inconsistent with the objectives for a State reserve and are better aligned with those for a nature recreation area. The Parks and Wildlife Service and the local community have been consulted and fully support the change to a nature recreation area, which will allow more efficient and effective management of the reserve, whilst allowing current uses and still protecting its conservation values. Therefore it is proposed that the remainder of the reserve be reclassified as the Trevallyn Nature Recreation Area.
[5.48 p.m.]
Mr FINCH (Rosevears) - Mr President, I support this motion for the reasons enunciated by the Leader, and I just want to take the opportunity to highlight that this is a wonderful part of my electorate of Rosevears. Certainly I support this move to enshrine those activities of horse-riding, mountain-biking and dog-walking into a nature recreation area. More and more, as we move forward in time, areas such as this will be sought by people to escape to for recreational pursuits. The bonus with this area is that it is so close to the City of Launceston. It is just a 10-minute drive up Trevallyn.
My thoughts hark back to some 10 years ago when Launceston hosted the Royal Canoe Slalom Championships in the Cataract Gorge which runs just adjacent to this reserve.
Mr Fletcher - Canoe?
Mr FINCH - I can, canoe?
Members laughing.
Mr FINCH - I had the opportunity to move amongst competitors from around the world and used that line and they did not laugh at it. I think they had heard it before. But amongst those competitors was a young Justin Boocock who in fact lived at Trevallyn at that time. Those competitors were just astounded at the natural layout of the course and the way that we cooperated with Hydro to bring the required water flow down through the Gorge. But they were more amazed by the fact that it was located just a five-minute walk from a major city with all the facilities which that provides.
Mr Fletcher - A 10-minute drive and a five-minute walk.
Mr FINCH - That is it, and a two-and-a-half minute jog. This is recreation at work. I must say I was a little bit disappointed in a way that that was just a one-off, World Canoe Slalom Championships. It was fantastic to be in the Gorge that day or over that time -
Mr Wilkinson - Did you get wet?
Mr FINCH - No. There were about 7 000 people just along the pathways along either side of the Gorge, sitting on the rocks, just watching this world -class competition and there were talks that we were going to put scaffolding up through the Gorge off the side for people to sit and watch the next one. There has not been a next one, so it is a little bit disappointing that has not been advanced. That relocation or revocation of some of the land for Way FM will give the Christian Broadcasting Inc. a huge confidence boost. This station was established 18 years ago to promote the Christian lifestyle and to encourage Christians to promote the gospel. One recent development has been the installation of a new transmitter on Mount Barrow to extend their signal throughout northern Tasmania. It has a fantastic following throughout northern Tasmania and most people come to it for the music that they play throughout most of the day.
There has been some uncertainty with this organisation in recent times with an opportunity to progress in the IT world but that has been stalled because the agreement required them to own the land on which they operate. This opportunity to purchase the land will in fact secure their future. It pleases, I think, everyone who is involved in this important area of Tasmania and I also would invite, at this time, honourable members to come to look at this wonderful place next time they are in the north of the State.
Mr Aird - You might care to invite us up there sometime.
Mr FINCH - Yes, early in 2006.
Mr Aird - I can't wait that long.
Mrs Jamieson - Guess who's coming up for election?
Members laughing.
Mr FINCH - The Trevallyn Nature Recreation Area. It has a wonderful ring to it.
Motion agreed to. |