Monday 18 June 2007

Mr Dean
Mr Finch
Mrs Jamieson
Mrs Rattray-Wagner
Mrs Smith (Chair)
Ms Ritchie

Hon. David Llewellyn , Minister for Primary Industries; Minister for Police and Emergency Management; Minister for Energy



Mr FINCH - Are there any further plans for other shopfronts for Service Tasmania?

Mr LLEWELLYN - That is not the ambit of this particular committee. We do have an intergovernmental board that looks at this. That board is positioned with the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. You would need to ask the Premier that question. Personally I am not aware of any other shop, but possible the Premier has some other things in mind, and he might tell you something different.

CHAIR - Do you believe it is time, given the size of Tasmania and the number of shops, that the management of this program should be brought under one minister rather than it continuing to be under two departments? They are now scattered all over Tasmania. As you quite rightly point out, this committee cannot ask about new shops because that is not within your portfolio.

Mr LLEWELLYN - The reason there is a board within Premier and Cabinet is so that ability of the people of Tasmania can be assessed under the Tasmania Together guideline - of accessibility and so on - to be able to make the judgment that the community can access all of these other issues.
It may not be through Service Tasmania in some cases. Other access might be in the minds of the people on the board. In general, we are adequately served around Tasmania through Service Tasmania outlets. But there will always be some changes in that regard, and that is an issue for the other group to determine.

CHAIR - In other words, you do not want the portfolio. Thank you.

Mr LLEWELLYN - We were happy with operating Service Tasmania. We probably have more use of Service Tasmania, although motor registration and those sorts of issues are probably fairly high on the agenda.
[10.45 a.m.]
CHAIR - The 'no cheques acceptance for motor registrations in the mail' is not yours, either?

Mr EVANS - It is also worth pointing out that Service Tasmania is more than just the shops. It is also the IDR and internet. We do not manage those parts of the Service Tasmania responsibilities. They are managed through the Department of Education.

CHAIR - Do you consider you have the capacity to manage them if the Premier decided tomorrow to transfer the entire responsibility to you?

Mr LLEWELLYN - If he transferred the money and resources with it, we would be happy to do that.