Tuesday 5 September 2006



[2.49 p.m.]
Mr FINCH (Question) - Mr President, my question is to the honourable Leader. What is being done to address widespread concern about parking at and around the Launceston General Hospital? Staff, outpatients and visitors are finding it increasingly hard to park in the area and the Government will have noted their concerns in letters to newspapers recently. Has the Government investigated a possible multistorey car park in the parking area to the south of the main building?

Mr PARKINSON - I understand from the CEO the need for extended car parking is currently being progressed and options for this are being investigated. Yes, the LGH is investigating the possibility of additional car spaces being made available by the construction of a car parking deck. Additional car parking bays will benefit patients, visitors and staff. The LGH is experiencing further strain by the continuing growth in activity and services provided by the LGH. This is indicated by the rise of nearly 8 per cent in emergency department attendances over the past 12 months and an increase in outpatient clinic attendances from 224 235 to 249 059 in the last 12-month period.