Wednesday 12 June 2013
Hansard of the Legislative Council
Reproductive Health (Access to Terminations) Bill 2013 - Refer to
Mr FINCH (Rosevears) - Mr President, I do
not want to be the odd one out here.
Ms Forrest - You are already.
Mr FINCH - I am already, am I? I wanted to
make a contribution, but the honourable members have covered most of the points
I would have made. This bill is not time critical, as the honourable member for
Windermere has noted. I believe we will get better evidence and submissions in
committee, and we will have more time to consider them. As the honourable
member for Pembroke said, the evidence will be under oath, and on the record,
which will assist our deliberations. The committee process will be worthwhile in
respect of this bill.
I support
putting this investigation into committee.