29 November 2011
of the Legislative Council
Mr FINCH (Rosevears))
- I want to make a short contribution about this bill that makes
substantial amendments to the Integrity Commission Act 2009. I will
not speculate on the departure of the CEO, but it is essential that
the powers of the CEO and the commission be enhanced and not
restricted. The provision in this bill for own-motion investigations
is essential. Government and local government authorities and
agencies may have been able to frustrate the work of the commission
up until now as the commissioners had to rely on a complaint before
being able to commence an investigation. The amendments do not
restrict a person or organisation under investigation from seeing
legal advice. Disclosures by a client to a solicitor already
protected by solicitor-client relationships are probably enhanced by
the amendments as to privacy. The proposed amendments do not appear
to give the commission any Star Chamber powers. It is probably likely
that further amendments will need to be made, including the further
defining of the powers of the CEO. The bill further enhances the
ability of the commission to discharge its responsibilities under the
act, so I support the bill.