8 November 2011
of the Legislative Council
(Rosevears) - That is exactly what I was going to say, Madam
President. Yes, we are spending a lot of time on this motion. I
recall the offer to apprise honourable members of the
Solicitor-General's advice. We initially refused that because some
honourable members wanted, and still want, that advice to become a
public document, as motion 10 details. We are entitled to know the
Solicitor-General's advice so we can make a decision on how to
proceed, but I do not believe that we are entitled to parade that
advice. Indeed, I do not think there is any real reason to make it
public. I believe that publicising legal advice such as this is more
in the political interests of some members of this Parliament than in
the public interest. With both parties represented in this House it
could be said that some political point-scoring is going on and I do
not think that is needed in the Legislative Council.
Premier's argument, as we have heard, is that the advice is protected
by legal professional privilege and cabinet confidentiality. The
Premier argued that if there was anything to hide then briefings on
the advice would not have been offered. This may be true. The
Government does not want to create a precedent where all future or
perhaps present legal advice would become public and any opposition
happening to govern in the future should be aware of this. Any
government will find it difficult to govern without legal
professional privilege and cabinet confidentiality. Governments
around Australia and beyond rely on these two privacy measures.
Otherwise, decision-making would become hamstrung. Decision-making is
what the elected Government, whatever its form, is about. I therefore
cannot support this motion in the public interest, in the interests
of the Westminster system of government and in the interests of