Tuesday 31 October 2006
Mr FINCH (Question) - Mr President, my question is to the Leader. In an answer given on 18 October last in response to a series of questions I asked without notice about the University of Tasmania at Launceston, it was stated that currently there are 14 non-administrative professors in the north. What are the names and locations of those 14 non-administrative professors?
Mr PARKINSON - I thank the honourable member for his question. Walker, Prof. Judi, North West Rural Clinical School; Adams, Prof. David, School of Management; Arnold, Prof. Roslyn, School of Education; Ball, Prof. Madeleine, School of Human Life Sciences; Bland, Prof. Robert, School of Sociology and Social Work; Carter, Prof. Chris, School of Aquaculture; Choi, Prof. Young, School of Computing; Fay, Prof. Roger, School of Architecture; Hatley, Prof. Barbara, School of Asian Languages and Studies; Hess, Prof. Michael, Australian Innovation Research Centre; McGrath, Prof. Vince, School of Visual and Performing Arts; Paton, Prof. Douglas, School of Psychology; Sofield, Prof. Trevor, School of Management; and Williamson, Prof. John, School of Education.