Wednesday 18 October 2006


Mr FINCH (Question) - Mr President, my question is to the honourable
Leader. What is the State Government's policy on the location of
childcare centres near to public schools or on public school sites?

Mr PARKINSON - I thank the honourable member for his question. The
State Government supports the provision of childcare centres near
government schools or on government school sites, where appropriate,
because of the mutual benefits for children, families, schools and
childcare services. In determining the location of a childcare
centre on a school site the following issues are considered: the
level of demand and support from the school community; the impact on
viability of any existing services already serving the community;
the availability of suitable site or building; the availability of a
service operator; the availability of funding to renovate or build;
and the impact on school enrolments and therefore future facility