Thursday 20 May 2004
Mr FINCH (Question) - Mr President, could the Leader acknowledge the progress and liaison between the West Tamar Council, the community through, in part, the Northern Ratepayers Association, and the State Government on problems with the West Tamar Highway? Two public meetings, the most recent on April 14, have resulted in an atmosphere of cooperation and understanding. The Tamar corridor study, which will highlight trouble spots, should be completed next month. Can the electors of Rosevears have an assurance that the State Government will act as quickly as possible to address concerns in the study?
Mr AIRD - I thank the honourable member for his question and I can assure the honourable member that the Government is working closely with both the West Tamar Council and the Northern Ratepayers Association to address the community's concern for motorists' safety on the West Tamar Highway.
Plans for the duplication of the West Tamar Highway between Cormiston Creek and Acropolis Drive are well advanced and it is expected that tenders for this work will be invited as soon as all relevant approvals are obtained.
The Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources is currently in discussions with the Australian Government seeking Commonwealth black-spot funding for improvements to the junction at Flowery Gully Road and West Tamar Highway. A draft of the West Tamar corridor study will be available for public comment, as the honourable member said, in June this year.
The corridor study will include a prioritised list of key projects that address specific high-priority transport outcomes across State roads in the study area. The findings of the study will be evaluated and prioritised within the context of the total road funding budget for this State.